Friday, December 9, 2011


Radishes make me happy.  I know, it seems like such a small thing, but like many, it's all wrapped up in my family history. 

My mother loved radishes.  She grew up spending time on her grandparents' farm in upstate New York, and she loved to slice fresh radishes, salt them, and pop them in her mouth.  We kids never understood it.  We tried them, of course, but they have a burn to them, and being Canadians, we weren't brought up with jalapenos and other hot peppers in our daily diet. 

Now that I'm (somewhat) grown up, I love the idea of radishes.  I used to buy them and put them in the crisper, then cut them and try to eat them the way my  mother did.  I never managed to make it through an entire bunch before they became soft and mushy.  Just recently, however, I've become a convert to the true wonder that is the radish. 

I received two bunches of gorgeous radishes in my CSA basket.  Hmmmm, I said.....what shall we do wih these bundles of loveliness?  My farmer, Marie Tedei of Eden's Organic Farm, likes to saute them so I thought I would give it a try.  The result?  Heaven.  I'm in.  I've planted them in my garden and my husband is already sick of them.  Yay!  More for me! 

Sauteed Radishes

1 bunch of radishes, with greens
1/2 medium onion, chopped
Chicken stock, to taste
salt & pepper

Wash radishes and remove greens.  Slice the radishes thinly, while heating butter in a skillet.  Add onions and saute until they start to look translucent. Add the radishes and sautee until tender.  While the radishes are cooking, wash and dry the greens, then roll and cut into ribbons.  Add them to the sautee pan with the chicken stock and cook until wilted (just a few minutes).  Salt and pepper to taste, serve hot.


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